Core Concepts


Package names are currently assumed to existing within a single namespace, regardless of what type of package they represent. This means that there are potentially severe collisions between a similarly named package in Homebrew and on the PyPI, for instance.

The --name argument is provided to allow for manual disambiguation.

In the future, we may add a concept of namespaces, such that Python projects exist within a “python” namespace, Ruby gems within “ruby”, and Homebrew/others within “binaries”.


VEE’s home is where it installs and links environments. It is structured like:

builds/        # Where packages are built; largely temporary.
dev/           # Where you work as a developer.
environments/  # The final linked environments you execute in.
installs/      # The installed (post-build) packages.
opt/           # Sym-links to last-installed version of every package.
packages/      # The packages themselves (e.g. tarballs, git repos, etc.).
repos/         # The requirement repositories which drive your environments.
src/           # VEE itself.


An environment is a single “prefix”, linked from installed packages. Contains standard top-level directories such as bin, etc, lib, include, share, var, etc..

These are symlinked together using the least number of links possible; a directory tree that only exists within a single package will be composed of a single symlink at the root of that tree.

Since their link structure is then unknown, it is highly advised to not write into an environment.


Outside of VEE, packages are bundles provided by a remote source which contains source code, or prepared build artifacts. E.g. a tarball, zipfile, or git repository.

Within VEE, the Package class is more abstract, representing both abstract requirements and a concrete instance of them. It provides all state required for the various pipelines.


A requirement is specification of a package that we would like to have installed in an environment. These are still represented via the Package class.

Requirement Specification

Requirements are specified via a series of command-line-like arguments. The first is a URL, which may be HTTP, common git formats, or VEE-specific, e.g.:

  • pypi:pyyaml

The requirements are further refined by the following arguments:

These may be passed to individual commands, e.g.:

vee link pypi:pyyaml --revision=3.11

or via a requirements.txt file, which contains a list of requirements.


The requirements file may also include:

  • Headers, which are lines formatted like Header: Value, e.g.:

    Name: example
    Version: 0.43.23
    Vee-Revision: 0.1-dev+4254bc1
  • Comments beginning with #;

  • Basic control flow, starting with %, e.g.:

    # For the Shotgun cache:
    % if os.environ.get('VEEINCLUDE_SGCACHE'): --revision=6da9d1c5 --revision=cd673656 --revision=a58e61c5
    % endif

Environment Repository

An environment repository is a git repository which contains (at a minimum) a requirements.txt file.

They are managed by the cli_vee_repo command.

Execution Environment


A comma-delimited list of environment names that were linked into the current environment. If you actually use an environment repository, this will likely contain "NAME/BRANCH" of that repo. Each entry here will have a corresponding entry in VEE_EXEC_PATH as well.


A comma-delimited list of environment repository names that were linked into the current environment.


A colon-delimited list of paths that are scanned to assemble the current environment.


The first path scanned to assemble the current environment. This is mainly for convenience.